Post Permalink Search Description Custom Robots (Header) Tags

These three SEO features play a vital role in improving your blog’s organic traffic and SEO. In this article, we’ll cover – how to enable advanced Blogger SEO features to get more traffic and blog readership?

To enable the post permalink option, you should first land to and then follow the steps shown below in images. Learn More about Automatic and Custom Permalink – Blogger SEO

2. Search Description

To enable search description for each post, you should first enable search description for the blog and have to describe your blog near about 140 words. After that, you’ll notice that the search description feature has been enabled for every post. You can take the reference of the image given below. Learn More about Post Search Description – Blogger SEO

3. Custom Robots (Header) Tags

To enable custom robots (header) tags for each post, you should first custom robots (header) tags description for the blog and have to describe your blog near about 140 words. After that, you’ll notice that the “custom robots header tags” feature has been enabled for every post. You can take the reference of the image given below. Learn More about Custom Robots (Header) Tags

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